1. Fourth Year Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of the Student Teaching Practicum in Abu Dhabi
Author: Kabrina R. Johnson
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Adult education; Teacher education; Higher education,Education;Experiential learning;Field experience;Practicum;Pre-service teacher;Student teacher;Teacher education

2. Spoiled By War: How Government Policies, Community Characteristics and Stigma Shape the Pakistani Migrant Non-Profit Sector in London, Toronto and New York City
Author: Ali Razzak Chaudhary
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Sociology; Ethnic studies; Organizational behavior,Social sciences;England;Immigrant organizations;Institutional completeness;Institutional isomorphism;New York City;Ontario;Pakistani;Stigma;War on terror